Sunny in Seattle

So last week I went to Seattle, Washington to attend the AVP tour event. AVP or the Association of Volleyball Professionals is the highest level of competition for beach volleyball in the United States. I had the opportunity to get an all-access media pass and take pictures of the qualifying and opening round of the event!

I got to Seattle a day early and explored a bit. Picked up my rental car and went to Sammamish State Park to see the AVP stadium set up, then I went to Alki Beach Park to see what type of "beaches" Seattle has; I was disappointed in the size and color of the beach but was stunned to see mountain ranges while sitting on the sand.  I headed to Kerry Park where I got this picture of the Space Needle, then went to the waterfront to check out the downtown area of Seattle!


I had a very generous friend that let me stay with her while I was in Seattle. She was an incredible host in showing me the post work Seattle lifestyle. We went out one night and had drinks on a rooftop bar during the sunset. People in Seattle were very patient and relaxed despite them being in a busy city!

                                                                  View from "M Bar"

                                                                  View from "M Bar"

I'm not much of a city person but I loved the rooftop living that Seattle had to offer. The weather was beautiful, but was constantly reminded that this is the best time of the year to be in the city.


I got to witness the best players in the country compete on the "sands" of Seattle. You can see some of my pictures on my Instagram post or under the sports section of my website!

I ended up leaving the opening round in the afternoon on Friday to go to the airport. Took a flight from Seattle (SEA) to Phoenix (PHX) at 5 pm then had a 5-hour layover in PHX, leaving at 1:15 am on Saturday ending up in Charlotte (CLT) at 8:30 am and drove straight to coach a Beach Volleyball Camp in Columbia, SC. I went 40+ hours without sleeping but survived!

Seattle was a beautiful place, and I will be going back very soon to spend more time there. The people made this trip special; from the creative director of the AVP who helped me get a media credential, to the players that were awesome with interactions with the crowd, to my friend and her roommates who went out of their way to make my short time in Seattle one to remember. Thank you